Sunday, January 3, 2016


DiGize is one of Young Living's exclusive and proprietary dietary supplements.  This unique blend contains Ginger, Anise, Fennel, Peppermint, Tarragon, Lemongrass, Patchouli and Juniper essential oils.  You can use DiGize with every meal to support a daily wellness regimen.  When traveling abroad, use as a dietary supplement in your water.

This blend relieves digestive problems, including indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, gas and bloating.  It helps fight Candida as it kills and digests parasite infestation.

There are 8 different essential oils which make up DiGize.

  • Tarragon is antiseptic and combats intestinal parasites and urinary tract infections.  It is antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious and prevents fermentation.
  • Ginger has been traditionally used to combat nausea and gastrointestinal fermentation.  It is antispasmodic, antiseptic and helps to calm and alleviate indigestion.
  • Peppermint is one of the most highly regarded herbs for improving digestion and combating parasites.  It relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract and promotes peristalsis.  It kills bacteria, yeast, fungi and mold.
  • Juniper works as a powerful detoxifier and cleanser and amplifies kidney function.
  • Fennel is antiseptic and stimulating to the gastrointestinal system.  It is antispasmodic, antiseptic and used for flatulence and nausea.  It promotes digestion and prevents fermentation.
  • Anise is antispasmodic, antiseptic, stimulates and increases bile flow and helps calm and relieve spastic colitis, indigestion, and intestinal pain.
  • Patchouli is a powerful digestive aid that alleviates nausea.  It's antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce fluid retention.
  • Lemongrass has been documented to have power anti fungal properties.  It is vasodilating, anti-inflammatory and improves digestion.

DiGize can be massaged on your stomach, applied to your Vita Flex points on your feet and ankles for stomach and intestinal relief.  And for internal use, dilute as directed on label and take 1 capsule before each meal or as desired. (Caution: possible sun sensitivity).

Each essential oil above is powerful on it's own.  Now, imagine them all in one little bottle.

DiGize is one of the oils which I use frequently.  If it hadn't come in my Premium Starter Kit (which is did), I would have definitely seeked it out.  We all have issues every now and again, some more than others.  There is peace of mind knowing that you can reach for your essential oil, apply and/or ingest, and have relief in minutes, without the harmful side effects of prescription and over-the-counter meds. 

I had two family members who were recently sick with stomach bugs, one being an adult and one an 8 year old child.  Kristen was first (adult). I gave her DiGize in a roller bottle to rub on her stomach and also made her a capsules to take internally.  After taking, she no longer had any issues and felt better in no time.

Now, my great-niece, Mikayla, was sick the following week.  Her mom, (my niece, Devin) had posted prayer requests on Facebook for her healing.  I tip toe lightly with people before offering my oils because I really don't want anyone to think that I am trying to sell them something.  We've all been there.  What's in it for you is what we all think.  I never got into using Young Living for anything other than curing my plantar fasciitis (which is another blog).  Now, I get a natural high every time I can help someone in the way I was helped with my excruciating pain.

Ok, I got off track a little bit.  Back to Mikayla........ there's nothing worse than when your kid is sick. Am I right? So I decided to respond on Devin's post and just let her know that I am here (with oils) if she decided she wanted to try something for Mikayla.  I was shocked, to say the least, when she texted me and told me she did and would be down.  I understand people's skepticism and I also understand how scary it must be to use something you don't know a whole lot about on your child.  I think she trusts me enough to know that I would never offer if there were any risks.  The risks that are out there are not from EO's but rather from the prescriptions the doctors write and the over-the-counter drugs we all run out to buy.

So, I gave Devin the choice.  I told her I have DiGize, which Mikayla is old enough to use (diluted, of course, for children) or I have TummyGize which is the KidScents blend that Young Living has specifically for children (kid's DiGize, if you will).  She opted for the TummyGize (we will talk about this in a future blog)  which I can't say I blame here.  Either way, Mikayla was going to benefit from it so it didn't matter to me.  I had both (and a whole lot more.... I'm a little obsessed).   All I can say is she felt better very quickly.  A little rub around the belly button and on the tummy is all it takes (and/or Vita Flex points on feet).  After seeing Mikayla, not once, but several times afterwards, all she could do was tell me how amazing "I" am for helping her (yes she said this each time I saw her..... I think she's amazed).  She went on and on and on and I told her it isn't "me" who is amazing.  It is "God" and what he has given us from this Earth.

And that, my friends, is DiGize (TummyGize).  It's a must have in my book. 

I promise you, DiGize will change the way you live and the way you think.  As an added note.....   DiGize Essential Oil is one of 11 essential oils included in the Premium Starter Kit.

You may browse all of Young Living's products by clicking here.  If you are interested in purchasing a Premium Starter Kit which includes a Diffuser, 11 premium essential oils, wholesale pricing (24% off) plus much more,  click here.

***Funny, I'm proof reading my blog before publishing (if you find anything, I'm tired and about to make dinner so I'm rushing.... don't judge).  :-)  Anyway, I went back to make sure I mentioned Young Living in this blog so those reading wouldn't wonder what Essential Oil Company I'm talking about.  Then as quickly as I had that thought, I laughed (out loud, yes I did) because DiGize is a propriety blend. Of course it's Young Living.  It couldn't be anyone else.  Silly me!***